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ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference September 2024
ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference September 2024
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Privacy Collection Notice
Information that you provide through this registration form (including any personal information as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will be collected, stored and used by Arinex Live Pty Ltd to facilitate your registration for the ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference September 2024 (“Event”). Arinex Live will disclose your information to ASX Limited and its related bodies corporate (“ASX”) for the purpose of processing your registration and coordinating your involvement in the Event.   Provision of your personal information is not required by law, but ASX will not be able to process your registration if you do not provide this information.

ASX may also use your personal information for the purposes set out in the ASX Privacy Statement (   Arinex Live and ASX will not disclose your information to any other third party unless required to do so by law or you consent to the disclosure. Please see ASX’s Privacy Statement for details on how ASX processes personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information held by ASX and how to contact us or make a complaint.

I have read and understood the Privacy Collection Notice (including the ASX Privacy Statement referenced in the Privacy Collection Notice) and consent to Arinex Live Pty Ltd, ASX Limited and its related bodies corporate collecting, storing, disclosing and using my personal information for the purpose of processing and managing my registration for the ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference September 2024.

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